List Of The Most Interesting Military Vehicles From 2023

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The Ten Fiercest Russian Military Vehicles Of All Time from


The world has seen a lot of changes in the past century, and the military is no exception. The use of technology has led to the creation of many impressive new military vehicles. From tanks to helicopters, the military has come a long way since the beginning of the 20th century. Today, we’re going to take a look at some of the most interesting military vehicles from 2023.

The First Generation of Autonomous Vehicles:

One of the most notable new additions to the military’s arsenal is the first generation of autonomous vehicles. These vehicles are capable of being completely self-sufficient, and can operate without human operators. They are becoming increasingly common in the military, and are being used for a wide variety of tasks, from reconnaissance to transport. Autonomous vehicles are expected to become even more prevalent in the coming years, as the technology continues to develop.

The Hovercraft:

The hovercraft is another interesting new military vehicle. It is essentially a large air cushion vehicle that hovers over the ground, allowing it to traverse any terrain. It is also capable of carrying a large payload, making it ideal for transporting military personnel and equipment. The hovercraft is becoming increasingly popular in the military, as it is extremely maneuverable, and can be used in a wide variety of environments.

The Hover Tank:

The hover tank is an interesting new development in the world of military vehicles. It is essentially a tank that is capable of hovering over the ground. This allows it to traverse difficult terrain, and makes it extremely maneuverable. The hover tank is still in the early stages of development, but it is expected to become increasingly popular in the coming years.

The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV):

The unmanned aerial vehicle, or UAV, is another interesting new addition to the military’s arsenal. These vehicles are capable of being operated without a human operator, and are used for a wide variety of tasks, from reconnaissance to combat. UAVs are becoming increasingly popular in the military, and are expected to become even more prevalent in the coming years.

The Autonomous Submarine:

The autonomous submarine is another interesting development in the world of military vehicles. These underwater vessels are capable of operating without a human operator, and are used for a variety of tasks, from reconnaissance to combat. Autonomous submarines are still in the early stages of development, but are expected to become increasingly popular in the coming years.

The Autonomous Ground Vehicle (AGV):

The AGV, or autonomous ground vehicle, is another interesting new addition to the military’s arsenal. These vehicles are capable of being operated without a human operator, and are used for a wide variety of tasks, from reconnaissance to combat. AGVs are becoming increasingly popular in the military, and are expected to become even more prevalent in the coming years.


As you can see, the military has come a long way since the beginning of the 20th century. The use of technology has led to the creation of many impressive new military vehicles, from tanks to helicopters to autonomous vehicles. The future of military vehicles looks even brighter, as the technology continues to develop. We can expect to see even more interesting military vehicles in the coming years.