Truck Accident Attorney Fullerton

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If you have been seriously injured in an accident involving a commercial truck, a truck accident attorney can help protect your rights. Depending on the nature of your injuries, you may receive compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, punitive damages, and other emotional and financial losses. Additionally, an experienced personal injury attorney can help reduce the emotional stress involved in a claim and allow you to focus on your recovery.

Truck Accident Attorney Fullerton

Truck Accident Attorney Fullerton

Compared to cars or pickup trucks, semi-trucks and eighteen-wheelers are heavier and less responsive in dangerous situations. It takes more time for the truck to stop or maneuver around a hazard. Also, the increased weight and size results in higher impact forces during a collision. All of these factors increase the likelihood of serious injury or death in a truck accident.

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Other conditions can also increase the number of accidents and truck accidents. Some trucking companies focus more on the financial bottom line than driver safety. They pressure drivers to ignore federal trucking regulations that limit hours on the road and push them to deliver faster — even if it means ignoring traffic laws. Other times, trucking companies delay truck maintenance and allow drivers to operate vehicles with dangerous tires, brakes and other systems.

Also, there is a shortage of truck drivers in some parts of the country. As experienced truck drivers are scarce, trucking companies hire new drivers with less experience. Although some of these new drivers are well trained, it is easy for inexperienced drivers to panic and make mistakes in emergency situations.

Commercial truck drivers spend a lot of time on the road. This may increase the risk of:

Truck drivers are just as prone to reckless behavior (like drunk driving or drug abuse) as any other driver. Sometimes, accidents are the result of the trucking company’s decisions. Many trucking companies force drivers to work hazardous hours or may insist that they work in hazardous conditions (such as dangerous weather or when they are seriously ill). Other reasons include:

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Remember, California has a fault-based negligence system. If someone (a negligent driver, trucking company, or manufacturer) caused your injuries, the insurance company must cover your losses.

After a truck accident, you may experience emotional and physical pain. However, it is important that you:

Acting quickly is also important. Under California law, you only have two years to file a truck accident lawsuit. If you file after this deadline, you will automatically lose your right to compensation.

Truck Accident Attorney Fullerton

Your truck accident attorney should help you file a claim with the appropriate insurance company, negotiate on your behalf, and file a lawsuit (if necessary). If litigation is necessary, your truck accident attorney will also guide you through the process – including proper discovery procedures, hearings, and presenting your case to a judge or jury.

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Negligence is a legal doctrine. Truck drivers and trucking companies owe other motorists and vulnerable road users (such as pedestrians and bicyclists) a duty of care. When a duty is breached (such as the duty to operate a truck safely) and injuries occur, the victim is usually liable for damages. However, the victim must prove with strong evidence that the driver did not fulfill his duties, caused the victim’s injuries and caused damage to him.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) establishes strict rules that commercial vehicles must follow. These terms include:

If a company or truck driver violates these rules, a truck accident attorney can argue that the violation was “negligent.” In this rule, a violation of safety rules is automatically considered negligence—and only the victim has to prove that the violation was the proximate cause of his or her injury.

Although it sounds easy, the reality is quite challenging. Trucking companies and insurance companies do everything they can to hide regulatory violations. If you don’t act quickly, you could lose important resources. For example, a truck driver needs to keep a record book for only six months. After an accident, most drivers and trucking companies destroy records after six months. A truck accident attorney can help you secure that evidence and present it to a jury.

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Navigating your way through a truck accident claim can be difficult. Although most cases are caused by driver negligence, you can make a claim against other parties, such as the company that owns or maintains the vehicle or truck, and equipment manufacturers and retailers (in product liability or defective product claims). Your claim may have multiple insurance companies. Additionally, truck accident cases involve extensive technical and legal knowledge. During litigation, you or your Orange County truck accident attorney will:

This may involve the analysis of complex telematics data – information from high-tech communication systems that many trucks use to track their speed, driving maneuvers and time on the road.

Handling these tasks on your own can be very difficult – especially when you are recovering from a traumatic injury. Unfortunately, insurance companies try to prey on unrepresented motorists by offering very low settlements or denying their claims. An experienced Orange County truck accident attorney can help you navigate the complexities of your claim, provide emotional support and ensure you receive fair compensation. An attorney will advocate for you and fully prepare your case for settlement negotiations and (if necessary) trial.

Truck Accident Attorney Fullerton

Every truck accident claim is different. The value of your claim depends on many factors unique to your claim. This includes:

Truck Accident Lawyer

A truck accident attorney will carefully calculate the extent of your damages and document the impact of the accident on your life.

Importantly, you should never respond to a settlement offer before consulting a truck accident attorney. Insurance companies typically offer less coverage to accident victims — especially if they’re unrepresented. Insurance companies are for-profit businesses that want to minimize your recovery. They can force you to accept the offer, even if it doesn’t suit you.

A truck accident attorney, by comparison, is on your side. Your attorney can help you understand your legal rights, give you honest advice about the value of your claim, and recognize insurance company scare tactics. At Russell & Lazarus APC, we’re here for advice. If you’re ready to talk, contact us today.

When you work with a truck accident attorney at Russell & Lazarus APC, you’ll receive personalized attention and advice. An experienced attorney will evaluate your claim, advise you of your rights, and work tirelessly on your behalf. We fight tirelessly for our clients, seeking fair compensation and accountability for your injuries. Contact us today for a free consultation at (800) 268-9228. With so many trucks on the road in the United States, the number of accidents each year is unfortunately high. If you have been a victim of a truck accident, it is important to hire an experienced attorney who will fight for your rights and ensure that you receive compensation. Among all attorneys, we have successfully represented many clients injured in negligent truck accidents.

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Most truck accident cases are complex, and it’s important to have an attorney on your side who knows the law and will fight for your rights. As with all attorneys, we take the time to investigate your case to ensure that no detail is overlooked. We have a team of investigators that will work hard to secure all the evidence necessary to build a strong case for your personal injury.

Truck accident attorneys are attorneys who specialize in representing truck accident victims. These accidents can be caused by various factors such as driver error, broken equipment or carelessness of the trucking company. An experienced attorney knows how to build a strong case against the party responsible for your injuries.

A personal injury attorney will work with insurance companies to ensure that you receive compensation for your injuries. Insurance adjusters will try to cut you down, but an experienced attorney knows how to negotiate a fair settlement. If the insurance company refuses to give you a fair settlement, we are not afraid to take your case to court.

Truck Accident Attorney Fullerton

When you hire a truck accident attorney, they will investigate your case and gather evidence to build a strong one.

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